While staying in Brussels for a week, I took a day trip to Ghent, with the intention of visiting Bruge and Antwerp. Not all in the same day, of course. However, I chose Ghent for the shopping, street art, Gothic buildings, and most importantly, chocolate!

But not just any chocolate. A big reason why I chose Ghent over other Belgian cities was to try chocolate from Yuzu chocolate shop. Yuzu is a specialty chocolate boutique that combines Japanese flavors with Belgian traditional chocolates. I appreciated the minimal but beautifully decorated chocolates and loved the hints of flavors like cardamom, yuzu, and juniper.

I stopped by Bio Shop, an organic grocery and supply store, to replenish my gluten free snack stash:
- Generous hazelnut cookies (organic) (gluten-free)
- Kookie Cat vanilla choc chip cookie (organic) (gluten-free) (vegan)
- Love Chock pecan maca (organic) (gluten-free) (vegan) (raw)
- Schar speculoos cookies (gluten-free) (dairy free)